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last change Sat, 12 Mar 2011 11:52:50 GMT, U. Hanschur
Spain: Barcelona
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MareNostrum in der ehemaligen Kapelle au...
MareNostrum in der ehemaligen Kapelle auf dem Campus der polytechnischen Universität von Barcelona (im Barcelona Supercomputing Center).

MareNostrum in the former chapel on the campus of the Polytechnical University of Barcelona (in the Barcelona Supercomputing Center). The name our sea is the Roman name for the Mediterranean and symbolizes the central role of the system for science.

Photo: S. Gottlöber
[web size] [full size]
more at /highlight_archive/gottloeber_marenostrum/  (image added 2006-12-22)

MareNostrum, der grüßte Super...
MareNostrum, der grüßte Supercomputer Europas und der fünftgrößte der Welt.

MareNostrum, the most powerful Supercomputer of Europe and the fifth most powerful of the world.

Photo: S. Gottlöber
[web size] [full size]
more at /highlight_archive/gottloeber_marenostrum/  (image added 2006-12-22)