FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

I have problems to log in. Which user account do I need?

If you cannot log in, please check if you are listed in the members list on the website. If you appear there, your account is active and you should be able to log in with your AIP account. This is the same account that is used for Windows, WLAN and eduroam. If there are any problems with this account, please contact the IT section (support@aip.de).

If you are not listed there, your AIP account might not have been created yet or might have expired. You can apply for a new AIP account here: Application user account, for a prolongation of your account please contact your supervisor and send an email with your new end date to support@aip.de.

How can I edit a page?

Go to the page you want to edit and login. Click on the gears-icon at the lower right corner and select the option 'Edit this page'.

Also see Creating and Editing Pages.

How can I change the language in the admin interface (e.g. when editing pages) to German or English?

You can do this via the Account Settings, Language Settings in the Wagtail Admin Interface.

Log in, click on the gear icon at the bottom right and go to the 'Wagtail Admin Interface'. Click on the small arrow pointing upwards at the bottom left of your first name and select 'Account Settings'. Here, under 'Language Settings', you can set the language to German or English. Other languages are only partially supported and not recommended.

More about other account settings: Contact data and member page

How can I publish my changes for a page?

After editing the page, click on the small arrow on the right side of 'Save draft'. Click on the option 'Publish'.

Also see Creating and Editing Pages.

How can I create a new page?

New pages are always created as a subpage to an existing page. Login and visit the page for which you want to create a subpage. Click on the gears-icon at the lower right. If you have the permission to edit this page, then you should see the option 'Add a child page'. If you click this option, you get directly to the Admin interface and can select the page type for your subpage (usually 'Standard page') and then edit the new page. The option 'Add a child page' can also be found directly in the page explorer of the Wagtail Admin interface, below the corresponding page.

Also see Creating and Editing Pages.

How can I display the child pages of a page?

You can view the subpages of a page via the page explorer of Wagtail. To do this, log in, click on the gear icon at the bottom right and select 'Go to Wagtail admin'. Enter the title of the page in the search field or select the page from the 'Pages' menu and click on the name of the page. This will take you to an overview of the page with its child pages. This is also the place where you can sort the child pages can also be sorted here (via the Sort link at the top left).

Why is my page not listed in the navigation menu?

For a page to be displayed in the navigation menu (of the parent page), the option 'Show in menus' must be set on the page itself and the page must be published.

After logging in, go to the page that is missing in the menu and edit it (gears icon -> 'Edit page'). When editing, you usually work in the 'Content' tab. However, now switch to the 'Configuration' tab directly below the page title.

Check the option 'Show in menus'.

Also see Navigation menus.

How can I add an external link to the navigation menu of a page?

The navigation menu in the sidebar of a page displays only links to subpages of the current page (in addition to links that depend on the page type). However, you can create a "page" of type "Link" as a subpage and enter an external link there. The external link will then automatically appear in the navigation menu.

Also see Navigation menus.

How can I change my image on the member page and in the member overview?

This picture is the so-called 'profile picture'. You can change it yourself directly in your account settings. To do this, click on your name in the bottom left-hand corner of the Wagtail Admin Interface and then on 'Account settings'. Then click 'Set your profile picture' and select a different picture.

See also Contact data and member page.

My head on the profile picture is cropped. How can I avoid that?

The profile image is automatically cropped to square format by Wagtail. If your image was uploaded in portrait format or your face is cropped too much for other reasons, it is best to first crop the image on your computer with an external program like Gimp to square format, and then upload it again (replace image).

You can also use the 'Edit' function of the image to define the focus point of the image so that Wagtail sets the crop according to your wishes. However, the image crop does not usually set the focus point to the center, this is only used to shift the center of gravity and thus the cutout. To be on the safe side, it is therefore easier to already crop the image to the desired area before uploading.

If you are still missing a photo in the appropriate format, you can also contact the members of the Public Relations section. They will be happy to take a photo of you on our campus.

Why is a member missing in the section members list?

For displaying a person in the section members list, certain conditions need to be met:

  • The person has an active AIP account (IT user database, = Windows account, WLAN, eduroam etc.).
  • The option 'Show in member lists' for this person is set (can be adjusted by the section/group head).
  • The starting date of this person at the AIP has already passed (is given in the account application).
  • The final date of working at the AIP has not yet been reached (can be adjusted by the webmaster).
  • The person is assigned to the section or group ('Section -> Members' in admin interface, only for authorized editors).

Also see Managing section members.

If you have any problems, please contact webmaster@aip.de.

How can I create a new research project?

Research projects are created as special project pages. In principle, all that is required is to create a new subpage under 'Research Projects'. To facilitate working with the existing projects, there is a menu item 'Research Projects' in the Wagtail admin interface on the left side. Click on this menu item and then on 'Add Project Page' in the upper right corner. If you don't see this option, please ask for the required permissions at webmaster@aip.de.

Under 'Participating AIP sections or groups', add your section or group so that the project is linked to your section/group and is automatically listed on the corresponding section page under 'Projects'.

See also documentation on research projects.

How can I upload more than one picture at once?

Go to 'Images' in the left menu on the Wagtail Admin interface. Click on 'Add image' in the top right corner. Select the most appropriate 'collection' here, e.g. 'Research projects' for images for a research project.

Now you can select multiple files at once in a file explorer and drag them into the dashed area. All the images will then be uploaded and you can update caption and image credits right away.

Why are there some of my publications missing in the publication lists?

This can be happen due to various reasons, as the papers are automatically queried by the NASA ADS. The institute's name must be spelled correctly as "Affiliation" for the paper to be included in the web app at all. If the author's name is wrong or written differently than on the website, then an automatic assignment is usually not possible either. In these cases, please contact webmaster@aip.de to get to the bottom of the problem and to add the paper and the assignment to the section and/or AIP member. Such problems should be avoided in future by using ADS libraries and ORCID IDs.

Also see Publications from ADS.

How can I add a link to a document?

Use the mouse to mark the link text and click the 'Document' symbol of the RichText editor (sheet with lines). Choose the desired document or upload it.

Also see Links.

How can I add an image that links to another page?

Images should mainly be used for illustrative purposes. Where an image is currently used as a link (e.g. on the research overview page or project overview page), this is already provided for in the design.

If you are still interested in using an image as a link to another page, you can now use the block "Image with Link". It is, however, not available for all page types. Please send an E-mail to webmaster@aip.de, if you need the "Image with link" block for a specific page.

How can I link additional minor research projects on the section's projects page?

Larger research projects, often involving several sections and/or partner institutes, are defined centrally via the menu item "Research projects", see the documentation page on research projects. For further smaller projects of your section you can create a simple subpage to your section and list them there. To make this additional project page easier to find, you can enter the link to it directly on the section page: go to the edit mode of the section page, scroll all the way down, expand the "Project settings" and select the subpage with the additional projects of your section at "More projects page". This will automatically create a link on the auto-generated "Projects" page of the section.

My student has completed her master thesis. Where can I make an entry for this?

Section heads and other authorised persons can enter students' theses, i.e. bachelor's theses, master's theses and doctoral theses, themselves. This can be done in the admin interface via the menu 'Publications', 'Theses'. See also the documentation page for entering Completed student theses.

Last update: 16. March 2023